Friday, March 14, 2008

"Clash of Civilizations" Bernard Lewis and Dennis Prager

If you know anyone on the east coast that is interested in this subject - "The Clash of Civilizations, The Final Jihad," please spread the word about this event.

Bernard Lewis and Dennis Prager together !!!!

If we were not expecting company next week, I would drive out there to witness this program. If there is any way you can go and hear them, please do!



"Clash of Civilizations" Bernard Lewis and Dennis Prager

Sponsored by HIllel, Aish, Federation, JCC
Student Rate $5 / pre-paid; $15 at the door (available at box office with student ID)
Regular Rate $18 / pre-paid; $25 at the door.
All seats are General Admission

Tuesday, March 18, 2008 @ 7:00 PM · order tickets


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Read any good books lately?

One of the many topics that came up at the March 9 "DPG" meeting was books. I'm always interested in what people are reading. Dennis would be appalled that I spend more time watching television than I do reading but I'm flawed, very, very flawed. Still and all, I do love books.

I've even found a way around my laziness and learn what's in a book by watching C-SPAN's book channel on the weekend. I know it's cheating, but I get to hear the author tell me all about their book.

I would love to hear from everyone about what they're reading now, or have read, or are dying to read. A brief synopsis (or not-so-brief if you prefer) would be great. I will read, albeit vicariously, through you - and so will other Prager People.

In the meantime I am nearly finished with Jeane Kirkpatrick's last book, "Making War To Keep Peace," on the post cold-war United Nations, a subject she knew very well. Ms. Kirkpatrick died in December 2006, shortly after she finished the book. Once I'm finished reading I will try to inspire you to read it as well.

Looking forward to hearing from you all!


Monday, March 10, 2008

After the "fall" - so to speak.

The March 9 Dennis Prager Group meeting happened, in spite of the Snowfall of 'aught 8.'

Some of us were lucky enough to be married to people who had big and powerful snow blowers, the kind that cut through 17" of fluffy stuff like a hot knife through butter! To the right is my house in North Ridgeville; notice the sharply defined snowbanks?

Then there were others (Sonino John Paul, for example) who may not be able to dig out their cars yet.

We six - we adventurous six - met at Kerry's Westlake meeting room but there should have been seven. Angie, Dan, David, Phil, Melissa and Dianne were there but Kerry was missing. Our dedicated Cincinnati, Ohio, leader, Jim Searcy, looked up her phone number and I called but there was no answer. It's funny how time changes you; in an earlier age I would have been irritated that our hostess wasn't there, but now I just worried that something bad had happened to her.

And, it had. We learned later that Kerry's mother had passed away, quite suddenly, and the burial was in southern Ohio. Kerry tried to let me know that she wouldn't be there but I never saw the email.

But, in the meantime, we six headed off to the local Applebees to have the meeting, and left a note for anyone who showed up. We're still of a mind that it could be some not-so-serious reason, after all, that kept Kerry away... maybe the time change?

Truth be told, these meetings can take place anywhere. It could have been a parking lot if it had been a lot warmer and someone brought food and drink. It's the dynamics, the ripple effect caused by a gathering of Conservatives, that leaves me exhilerated, hopeful, and always more informed than when I arrived.

If only I could roll the video tape for you instead of having to rely on a bank of dusty memory chips. The Elections and the Candidates took center stage, to be sure, but the 'key' light was on Hope, hope that Republicans take the presidency.

We each have differing concerns and levels of concerns over what will happen in the next eight months but we ultimately agreed that there should be a gathering of Dennis Prager Discussion group people on election night, '08. We have time to decide where the meeting will be but mark your calendars now for the 1st Tuesday of November, 2008.

And to Kerry, our sympathies on losing your mother.

We'll see you all next month, on April 13, at Panera's Bread at the Golden Gate Plaza, in Mayfield Heights.

Don't forget to use this blog to let us know how Dennis has been changing your thinking, or just what it's like for you living like a Conservative in a world of Liberals.

My best to you all! Keep the faith! And God Bless America!