Thursday, November 5, 2009

November 2009 Meeting reminder

Welcome to our latest new members: Greg - Andrew - Chuck - Scott - Donald - Monica - Ron

Ever wonder how many members the northeast Ohio Dennis Prager Discussion group has? Here we all are:

* Milla * Bob * mike * Charlie * Phil * Terry * gabrielle * Mary * Pat * Michelle * mitchell * Kelly * Dan * P J * Jane * Julie * Dan * Tommy * maryann * Linda * Connie * Paul * David * Ivan * Mario * Ida * Angie * Marjorie * Gail * Marci * Dave * Ingeborg * Lori * Ricky * Oliver * jan * janice * John * Amy * Shary * Vicky * Jonathan * peter * SIMCHA-ARONA * Doug * Gail * John * Melissa * Tim & Karen * Jan * Kerry * robert * Ann * Aaron * cindy * Renee * Tom * Mary * Maryann * Randolph * judy * Dennis * Jan * Judy * rebecca * Ciprian * Sonino * Don * robin * Harvey * Lynn * Maryann * Stephen * Art * Stan * Joel * Rodger * Carey * Arthur * Susanna * Wendy * Lauren * Lynee * nancy * Dianne

There's a lot to talk about at our November 15th meeting at the Panera Caf, Golden Gate Plaza Mayfield Heights -

See you at 2 p.m.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Next Dennis Prager Group meeting Oct. 11, 2 p.m.

At the upcoming meeting we will talk about looking for new or additional organizers for the northeast Ohio Dennis Prager discussion group. We have the West side, the East side and the South side and these folks might prefer new meeting locations.

The group could also probably benefit from fresh leadership - no change in Dennis Prager, of course! - but to market the meet-up concept, make the meetings more accessible to more people. We don't think the group could be more 'friendly' so it's just some logistical and marketing ideas that we're looking for.

Dennis has a new "meet-up" coordinator, Larry, who has taken over for Roy. We have contacted Larry for any suggestions he might have and we will, no doubt, hear something soon.

We will be meeting on Sunday at 2 p.m. on October 11, at the Tiedeman Road Panera Bread cafe.

Panera Bread, 5090 Tiedeman Rd

Brooklyn, Tiedeman Rd location

Hope to see everyone there!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Will it make a difference going to Washington D.C. on 9\12?

I'm not kidding myself that taking a bus to Washington D.C. will be a joy ride. I know it won't be a walk in the park. I've been trying to get myself in shape for the walk to the White House; my feet still hurt when I walk too far and my left hip still gives me some problems.

This is not going to be an easy venture by any stretch but I believe it's important to show my commitment to the cause of restoring the U.S. Constitution as the #1 set of rules for the United States.

I'm awake now. I know what is at stake now - thanks to W. Cleon Skousen, John Adams, Glenn Beck, Bill Bennett, Dennis Prager, Senator John Cornyn, Hugh Hewitt, Mark Levin, Thomas Jefferson, Lloyd Marcus, Michael Medved, Senator Tom Coburn, Byron York, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Thomas Sowell, Barack Obama, Michael Barone, Michelle Malkin, Tim Grendel, Lawrence Wright, Steve Emerson, David Warren, Rush Limbaugh, Thomas Paine, Saul Alinsky, C.S. Lewis, Dr. Charles Krauthammer, Jonah Goldberg, Congressman Paul Ryan, to name just a few - and I intend to stay awake until this country is well on its way back from Socialism and the Republic begins to heal - providing I live long enough to see it happen, of course.

I want to be one of the many who will stand in front of the White House or on the Mall, if for no other reason than to demonstrate that my will is strong even if my body isn't.

This time in my history is critical: Barack Obama has turned out to be the icing on the cake that the Left has baked and is serving to the populace.

It is urgent that I be there: Obama is the precious jewel in Left's crown of thorns that it wants Americans to wear as we all kneel at the feet of the statues of Lenin and Mao, and, oh, let's not forget Chavez.

Our glorious and well-designed republic is in terrible danger and I cannot stay at home while supporters of Socialism and Communism are laughing at our foolish naivete.
What Communists? Where? Socialists in the White House? That's ridiculous!
I could never forgive myself if I didn't stand up for my country in her desperate hour of need, or for all those real Americans who have fought and are fighting today to preserve our liberties, our Constitution - the Rule of Law.

I understand the lure of political power, to be lauded and adored and trusted by the sleepy masses, and how easy it must be to lie and cheat and steal from those who believe them. The Powerful believe there's a sucker born every minute, and millions of their constituents are fawning over themselves and proving them right.

What disappoints me the most is the vaunted 4th Estate where the writers, the journalists, the newspapers and periodicals are dipping their pens in poison ink, willing to sacrifice the golden geese who spend money on subscriptions to their propaganda. How easily the Media has given up its authority and its power to do good just for the privilege of getting to ask the first question during a presidential press conference or be granted an interview with the President of Iran.

No anti-American will ever understand what this country means to me or the millions of people who are not lucky enough to be born here but who daily kill themselves trying to get here. I told someone the other day that the only place where I was surrounded by people who looked like me was in my own house; outside, on the streets of my childhood everyone looked and sounded quite different. It wasn't a big deal, it was just how America looked then and now.

No ingrate will ever understand what magnificent opportunities they have wasted, or what important people they can become in land that appreciates how the efforts of anyone willing to work. They are truly the brave who toil for their families and their country.

No terrorist will undermine the will of a true believer, one who is grateful to God for the gift of liberty.

It's not going to be an easy trip to Washington D. C. this weekend, but as I have told you before, being an American is the best job I'll ever have, and who knows what difference an old woman will make.

I am happily different now and I need to repay the gift.

"Patriot Day" is a bad holiday

The United States has somehow found itself divided on the subject of how to commemorate the murders of 9/11/2001. I will continue to remember the day in a sombre way, with no celebration of patriotism - my own or anyone else's - nor will I step out and do more for my country or my fellow Americans than I do the rest of the year.

I will continue to reflect on the evil intentions of those who tried to, and those who still wish to kill Americans. That's how patriotic I intend to be.

Time's up! Vacation is over

We all thought we were busy last Spring, this past Summer, and now it seems there's not enough time in the day to do your laundry let alone read everything that comes across email - and to make matters worse, we have three more events to cram into your weekend:

1) Thousands of Christian churches across the nation are showing Joel Rosenberg's film "Inside the Revolution" and there are several churches in the Cleveland area showing the film. The Church of the Advent in Westlake is one; on 9-11-09 from 7 to 9 pm.

If you are interested in this event, please check the church names/locations below, and apparently the Church of the Advent, in Westlake should also be on this list.

Calvary Chapel of Cleveland
6770 Brookpark Road
Cleveland, OH 44129

Bethlehem Lutheran Church
7500 State Road
Parma, OH 44134

Chardon Christian Fellowship
401 South Hambden
St.Chardon, OH 44024

2) The Dennis Prager Discussion Group NEO has its first meeting of the Fall on Sunday, September 13 at 2 pm, at the Panera Bread store in North Olmsted, Great Northern shopping Center. We have lots to talk about so we hope to see you there.

3) The RJC discussion group/presentation in Willoughby, Sunday morning 9:45 - 11:30. Please RSVP to Barbara Amper by phone: (216) 831-2083 or e-mail: to RSVP.

Cleveland Chapter's September Discussion Group presentation by
Sunday, 9/13/09 9:45 - 11:30.

Never a dull moment!!

Dianne Mueller

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hiatus for Prager Group NEO

Attendance has been down the last couple of months and people are taking trips and, in general, need a little break from meetings.

So, unless you have a hankering to meet with fellow Pragerites, we'll cancel meetings for June, July and August and see you in September.

Any of you wishing to meet, let me know and we can pull something together.

Thanks to everyone who has made the Dennis Prager Group NEO the place to be every 2nd Sunday at 2 pm.

Have a great Summer!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Prager Group meeting takes a back seat to Mother's Day

I'm sure Dennis would agree that Mother's Day is pretty important and would also probably agree that we should postpone our next group meeting to the following Sunday, May 17 at 2 p.m. at the Panera's at 5090 Tiedeman Rd.

Mothers, enjoy your day. And, Children, hopefully you can enjoy time with your mothers.

But if one, or neither, is possible it's still a special day worth celebrating in some way.

Perhaps we can share "mom" stories at our next meeting.

See you on the 17th.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Next Meeting - April 19 - Mayfield Hts

Looking forward to seeing you all Sunday, April 19, at 2 p.m. at the Panera Bread cafe in the Golden Gate Plaza in Mayfield Heights.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Next Dennis Prager Group NEO meeting...

My apologies, Prager Group members, for not sending out a reminder sooner. I was actually just updating two home calendars (so my poor husband, John knows where I'm going to be at any given moment) and got to March 8 and saw "PRAGER GROUP meeting.

Holy Cow!

Here's the details, right from Dennis himself **:

We have new members to welcome, too. Intern Roy Hadavi sent me an updated list yesterday and so we welcome: Arthur, Mitchell and - forgive me if I get your name wrong - Liss.

I missed the last meeting and although I spent the weekend having good times with my East coast family, I hear I missed a great meeting.

A special message to our newcomers: We are an amazing conglomerate of people who just love Dennis. We decided at our first meeting that we would have no stated agenda, loosey-goosey discussion, as it were, leaving the meeting open to those things that are timely and important to the members. All of Dennis' specific hours are open to sharing: Man-Women, Ultimate Issues, and, of course, The Happiness Hour.

Shyness is not encouraged but we respect it. Not everyone is the perpetual chatterbox that I am.

We all are fans of Dennis, students of the Prager Philosophy, and are therefore, Works in Progress. I never leave a meeting without having something new to chew on, without some mental evolution having taken place - and it's all due to the Dennis Prager Movement.

If you haven't been to Paul Croshaw's web site yet - - please go and see how Paul is progressing on what should be an Oscar-winning movie.* I've watched the rough cut a couple of times now and am looking forward to the finished version.

If you're still recovering from the election - recovery doesn't seem possible, though, since there's daily something new to raise our collective blood pressures - the Floor will be open for those discussions, too.

A message for the Old-Timers, those of you we haven't seen for a while (and you know who you are) We miss you and look forward to your return.

See you Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Panera Bread cafe on Brookpark Road, facing the Great Northern Shopping center.

Regards to All,

PS - Friends are welcome, too, especially if they're new to Dennis Prager, or considering switching to a Clarity Over Agreement philosophy
PPS - The newsletter, Clarity, took a backseat to some other stuff I was doing, but you will be seeing a March issue. PLEASE SEND ME STUFF TO INCLUDE! Thanks.

* Although we all know that the good stuff rarely gets noticed in Hollywood, there are signs and conservative people who are making waves out there.
** You may recognize that it's not really Dennis speaking to us; I borrowed the image from Paul's web site.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Feel the Love!!!!

Don't forget our Dennis Prager Group meeting, this coming Sunday, February 8 at 2 p.m.

We'll be meeting at the Panera Bread location on Tiedeman Road, in Brooklyn.

See you then!